The natural forest
The loss of forest has a number of direct influences on the ecologic balance in the ground. Besides the alterations within the circulation of nutrients and a decline in diversity, the ongoing deforestation can lower the ground-water level because of soil compaction, erosion and floods. The natural forest is independent from periodical rainfall is a self-adjusting ecosystem. The first inhabitants of a new forest are birds bringing more new seeds with them to ensure a permanent and natural regeneration.

Ecologic, social and economic aspects are in the center of attention. Sustainability means risk analysis and possible counter measures. The proof that all requirements have been fulfilled has to be done by the project developer. The project results are evaluated with regards to
Environment: water (quality and quantity), soil (nutrients and erosion), biodiversity (flora and fauna), climate, avoidance of chemicals and garbage, list of all species on the IUCN red list
Social development: infrastructure measures, poverty reduction, avoidance of relocation resp. influence on cultural important places
Economic and technologic development: workplace and workplace security, priority given to local workforce, involvement of local institutions, knowledge transfer